Wednesday, April 29, 2009

National Human Trafficking Hotline

I first heard about the Polaris Project at an IJM advocacy training event.

The Polaris Project was founded in 2002 and is named after the North Star that guided slaves to freedom along the Underground Railroad. It has programs all across the United States, aimed at identifying and helping trafficking victims.

One of those programs is the National Human Trafficking Resource Center. It's a toll-free, 24-hour anti-trafficking hotline that works to improve the national response to victims of human trafficking in the United States. You can call to report a tip, to connect with anti-trafficking services in your area, to request training or technical assistance, or to get general information.


The Resource Center is equipped to handle calls from every region of the United States.
If you have reason to suspect someone in the U.S. is a victim of trafficking, this is the number to call.
If you want more information about anti-trafficking efforts in the U.S., you can get it here.

Keep it in your purse or wallet.


Print it on flyers and business cards and leave them around town.


Spread the word that help is available to trafficking victims in the United States.


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